Therapy Sessions At Seriyani

Dr. Karen is a registered, licensed psychologist who offers one-to-one online therapy sessions on weekdays, as a large majority of her clients (and herself) are usually on the move.

The joys of the times we live in are that you can have your therapy sessions anywhere! You are no longer restricted to an office setting in order to receive support while you foster growth and build your wellness. You can do this wherever you are.

If you are struggling with a concern, wish to gain self-confidence or want to feel happier, but…

Your job involves a lot of travelling?

You find it difficult to fit in your weekly, face-to-face therapy sessions.

You have a busy schedule?

Having to travel to appointments and sit in a waiting room is a hassle for you.

You’re a Digital Nomad?

You work online from various locations of your choosing so you need the flexibility of online sessions.

You’re a Remote Worker?

You need your therapist to ‘come to you’ online to suit your flexible working schedule.

You feel awkward about in-person sessions?

You know therapy can help you, but having to talk face to face to a therapist makes you uncomfortable.

You have physical or psychological limitations?

You suffer social phobias or anxiety disorders, are housebound, or you’re in a wheelchair. Leaving the house can become an ordeal.

Online Therapy Might Be The Solution You Need

Online Therapy Benefits

You can combine online and in-person modes. Frequent travelling will not interrupt your therapy process.

You skip the commute and waiting-room time. It fits in with your tight work or travel schedule.

Easily accessed
You don’t have to take time out from your day to get to our office, figure out where our offices are or how to get there, or find a parking space.

You feel more comfortable sitting in the privacy of your home, hotel or wherever you are right now.

Seriyani offers online therapy that is just like a normal face-to-face session

We provide therapy, counselling and coaching for Adults, Couples, Adolescents, Children and Families that…

Struggle with anxiety, stress or depression and need to talk to someone.

Experience conflicts at work or at home that are affecting their relationships and would like to learn problem-solving skills.

Want to gain self-confidence by learning to accept and be themselves.

Struggle to express feelings and want to learn to communicate better.

Strive to adapt to expat life and need help to master and enjoy living abroad.

Want to achieve a healthy work-life balance by building on wellness.

Whatever the reason, if you need to talk to a therapist …