Seriyani means Peace in Maa. Welcome to this place of warmth, love and respect.

Your Well-Being Is In Good Hands

Your Well-Being Is In Good Hands

Welcome to Seriyani, a place of peace, warmth, love and respect. At Seriyani, we view confidentiality as the cornerstone upon which this practice is built.

Seriyani was founded by Dr. Karen who has built her career as a psychologist, coach and educator. She holds a Doctorate in Psychology and she is an advocate of healing through talk. She has working knowledge regarding a wide number of issues and she combines various treatment modalities with the successful, individualized treatment of clients in mind.

Dr. Karen is a culturally aware eclectic or integrative therapist who has enjoyed providing services and interventions to individuals with varied needs from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds. As a supporter of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Dr. Karen lives and breathes Verna Myers’ assertion that diversity is being invited to the party, inclusion is being asked to dance, equity is being on the party planning committee, while belonging is feeling free to dance however you want.

As Psychology is a profession of scholarship and service, Dr. Karen is a lifelong learner who is a firm believer in self-reflection, professional and personal development, as this enables her to fully, really and truly understand and connect with her diverse clients.

Dr. Karen, and the Seriyani group look forward to making a connection with you as we walk you through your therapy journey.

Seriyani Services

Speaking Engagements & Corporate Talks

Speaking Engagements & Corporate Talks

Richard Branson states, “Take care of your employees and they’ll take care of your business. It’s as simple as that. Healthy, engaged employees are your top competitive advantage.” To maintain, retain or gain healthy, engaged employees, please go ahead and get in...

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Family Therapy

Family Therapy

I work with families to explore their dynamics while they work collaboratively with me to connect on a deeper level. Often when a connection is made, trust, openness, understanding and empathy swiftly follow. Feel free to schedule an appointment with me so we can see...

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Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

When working with you as an individual, all that I ask is that you approach our therapy sessions with an open mind and willingness to talk, collaborate and self-reflect. During individual sessions, I utilise a number of personalised treatment modalities. This is done...

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Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy

During couples therapy sessions, we work together to build/rebuild, maintain and strengthen the bonds that lead to friendships, partnerships and understanding amongst couples. As a therapist-client team, we will explore varied techniques in a collaborative manner, as...

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“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.

These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern.

Beautiful people do not just happen.”

Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

(Death: The Final Stage of Growth, 1975)

What To Expect
With a Session

Guiding You On the Path of Self-Healing

To help my clients heal through talk, I typically utilise the Eclectic or Integrative Therapist treatment approach. This approach combines various healing modalities with successful treatment of the client in mind.

My comprehension of the link between behaviour and the brain enables me to provide insight into a client’s challenges and work areas.

During sessions, I often explore varied treatment alternatives while keeping culture at the fore.

I deem it important to mention that fostering strong relationships is my forte, and that confidentiality is the cornerstone upon which I build my foundation.